
Dentistry Experts

Prof. Roland Baron

Dental Medicine
Bone Care Implants


Prof. Roland Baron is professor at the Harvard Medical School, Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, and chair of Oral Medicine at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine from January 2008. From 1977 to 2007, Prof. Roland Baron was a professor in the departments of Orthopaedics and Cell Biology at Yale University School of Medicine. He received his DDS and PhD degrees from the University of Paris, France. He is the founnder and current Editor-in-Chief of BONE, the Official Journal of the International Bone and Mineral Society. Between 1994 and 2002, he also held the position of vice-president and head of the Bone Diseases Group at Hoechst Marion Roussel and then Aventis. In 2002 he founded ProSkelia, a small pharmaceutical company devoted to the discovery and development of new drugs for bone and hormonal dependent diseases. He has held the positions of President and chief scientific officer of ProSkelia and then ProStrakan, until April 2006. Prof. Baron has published over 300 scientific papers in the field of bone biology and bone diseases.

Research Interest

 Orthopaedics and Cell Biolog

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