Alessandra Cecchini
Dundee University
Bachelor Degree (3 years) in Diagnostic Biotechnology (University of Florence) with a molecular biology thesis titled “Role of reactive oxygen species in tumour-stroma interaction” Master Degree (2 years) in Molecular Biotechnology (University of Pisa) with a thesis in biophysics titled “Cross-talk between mechanotransduction and the dopaminergic system: a study by using a human neuronal cell model and nanostructured substrates” carried out at NEST lab – Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) (Pisa). SNS Research fellow in the Lab-on-a-chip Group of the National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology lab – Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa).
Research Interest
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher on the PhD programme PHOtonic tools for Quantitative imaging in tissUeS (PHOQUS). The aim of the project is designing biocompatible nanoparticles to be employed for in vivo imaging of cancerous cells.