
Medicine Experts

Cathe Mathew

Dundee University


Is a Social Psychologist/Health Professions Education researcher, with over 7 years experience specialising in Retention & Success, Equality & Diversity, Professionalism and Qualitative Research Methods. Arun has presented his research at international conferences. He has been successfully recognised for his academic research and won a number of awards,  supporting impact in his teaching and research. Having completed his Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2013, he currently provides academic tutoring, assessment and feedback for students on the Master's in Medical Education, where he teaches and has presented as a guest speaker on multiple modules (Research Methods, Teaching & Learning, Leadership & Management). He has also given formative feedback on MMEd dissertations. He is nearing completion of his PhD titled; "Retention and succession health care education: Exploring the influence of gendered identities in male- and female- dominated environments". Is a Social Psychologist/Health Professions Education researcher, with over 7 years experience specialising in Retention & Success, Equality & Diversity, Professionalism and Qualitative Research Methods. Arun has presented his research at international conferences. He has been successfully recognised for his academic research and won a number of awards,  supporting impact in his teaching and research. Having completed his Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2013, he currently provides academic tutoring, assessment and feedback for students on the Master's in Medical Education, where he teaches and has presented as a guest speaker on multiple modules (Research Methods, Teaching & Learning, Leadership & Management). He has also given formative feedback on MMEd dissertations. He is nearing completion of his PhD titled; "Retention and succession health care education: Exploring the influence of gendered identities in male- and female- dominated environments".

Research Interest

Is a Social Psychologist/Health Professions Education researcher, with over 7 years experience specialising in Retention & Success, Equality & Diversity, Professionalism and Qualitative Research Methods. Arun has presented his research at international conferences. He has been successfully recognised for his academic research and won a number of awards,  supporting impact in his teaching and research. Having completed his Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2013, he currently provides academic tutoring, assessment and feedback for students on the Master's in Medical Education, where he teaches and has presented as a guest speaker on multiple modules (Research Methods, Teaching & Learning, Leadership & Management). He has also given formative feedback on MMEd dissertations. He is nearing completion of his PhD titled; "Retention and succession health care education: Exploring the influence of gendered identities in male- and female- dominated environments".

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