Najimi M
Molecular Biology
Promethra biosciences
Mustapha Najimi, PhD is a senior researcher at the Experimental and Clinical Research Institute, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) (Belgium). He was a member of the founding team of Promethera Biosciences and is co-inventor of 2 patents on HHALPC. He earned his doctoral degree (Cell & Molecular Biology) in 1999 at the Université Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris. Dr Najimi is currently leading the Stem cells’ group and Cell culture platform at the Pediatric Hepatology & Cell Therapy laboratory (UCL, Belgium). Dr Najimi is the scientific supervisor of the hepatocytes and hepatic stem cells banks at Saint-Luc Hospital (Brussels, Belgium). Mustapha Najimi, PhD is a senior researcher at the Experimental and Clinical Research Institute, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) (Belgium). He was a member of the founding team of Promethera Biosciences and is co-inventor of 2 patents on HHALPC. He earned his doctoral degree (Cell & Molecular Biology) in 1999 at the Université Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris. Dr Najimi is currently leading the Stem cells’ group and Cell culture platform at the Pediatric Hepatology & Cell Therapy laboratory (UCL, Belgium). Dr Najimi is the scientific supervisor of the hepatocytes and hepatic stem cells banks at Saint-Luc Hospital (Brussels, Belgium).
Research Interest
Mustapha Najimi main research interest is focused on hepatic stem cells biology and liver regeneration. He is invited reviewer for several journals of Hepatology and Cell Therapy fields.