Dennis Boateng
Data Manager
University of Ghana
Dennis Boateng has completed his Masters in Clinical Trials from the University of Ghana and hopeful to Graduate in February 2018 in the Master of Biostatistics from the University of Hasselt Belgium. He has worked at the Kintampo Health Research Center as a Data Manager and had practical experience in implementing trials on diagnostic instruments for screening as well as internship from Fibricheck in Belgium that implements PPG technology. He has a few publications in the Application of a Biometric Identification Technique for Linking Community and Hospital Data in Rural Ghana and other local publications from the Kintampo Health Research Center Dennis Boateng has completed his Masters in Clinical Trials from the University of Ghana and hopeful to Graduate in February 2018 in the Master of Biostatistics from the University of Hasselt Belgium. He has worked at the Kintampo Health Research Center as a Data Manager and had practical experience in implementing trials on diagnostic instruments for screening as well as internship from Fibricheck in Belgium that implements PPG technology. He has a few publications in the Application of a Biometric Identification Technique for Linking Community and Hospital Data in Rural Ghana and other local publications from the Kintampo Health Research Center
Research Interest