
Business & Management Experts

Monteiro Paulo Márcio

Corporate risks director
Grupo AG
Andrade Gutierrez S.A


Paulo Monteiro is corporate risks director. He holds a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a postgraduate degree in Business Management from the Pan American University of Mexico. He also holds an MBA in Business Administration from USP and a Master’s degree in Finance from ITESM. Monteiro served as works manager in the building construction sector of Encol S.A. before joining the Andrade Gutierrez Group in 1990 as a project engineer in Nassau, Bahamas. He has held the same position since 2003. His area is responsible for structuring financing operations for AG Investments at competitive prices, and for following the performance of AG Concessions' invested companies. According to Monteiro, its most recent achievements were renegotiating the concession contract of Quito International Airport and obtaining financing to reform the Beira-Rio stadium. Paulo Monteiro is corporate risks director. He holds a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a postgraduate degree in Business Management from the Pan American University of Mexico. He also holds an MBA in Business Administration from USP and a Master’s degree in Finance from ITESM. Monteiro served as works manager in the building construction sector of Encol S.A. before joining the Andrade Gutierrez Group in 1990 as a project engineer in Nassau, Bahamas. He has held the same position since 2003. His area is responsible for structuring financing operations for AG Investments at competitive prices, and for following the performance of AG Concessions' invested companies. According to Monteiro, its most recent achievements were renegotiating the concession contract of Quito International Airport and obtaining financing to reform the Beira-Rio stadium.

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