Walane Maria Pereira De Mello Ivo
Agricultural Research and Development
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria
He is holding a bachelor's degree at Agronomy from Federal University of Alagoas (1988) and master's at Agronomy from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1991). Has experience in Agronomy, focusing on Soil Science, acting on the following subjects: sugarcane, coastal trays, roots, natural resources and research and development. He is holding a bachelor's degree at Agronomy from Federal University of Alagoas (1988) and master's at Agronomy from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1991). Has experience in Agronomy, focusing on Soil Science, acting on the following subjects: sugarcane, coastal trays, roots, natural resources and research and development.
Research Interest
Sugarcane, coastal trays, roots, natural resources and research and development.