
Biochemistry Experts

Luis Paulo B Scott

Associate Professor
Molecular Biology
Federal University of ABC,


Luis Paulo B Scott is an Associate Professor in Federal University of UAFBC. He has his expertise in conformational changes and functional movements of macromolecules, specially proteins. Over the last four years, his research group has been financed to investigate molecules related to neurodegeneration and aggregate formation by means of normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics combined. The laboratory coordinated by him has become more and more specialized in the study of macromolecules structural dynamics (functional movements in collaboration with Dr. David Perahia from France. Luis Paulo B Scott is an Associate Professor in Federal University of UAFBC. He has his expertise in conformational changes and functional movements of macromolecules, specially proteins. Over the last four years, his research group has been financed to investigate molecules related to neurodegeneration and aggregate formation by means of normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics combined. The laboratory coordinated by him has become more and more specialized in the study of macromolecules structural dynamics (functional movements in collaboration with Dr. David Perahia from France.

Research Interest

study of macromolecules structural dynamics


  • A new protocol to investigate conformational population patterns in the enzymatic activity cycle of proteins using molecular dynamics and normal mode analysis

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