Michelle Andriati Sentanin
Chemical Engineering
Federal University of Uberlandia(UFU)
Michelle Andriati Sentanin is a professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia. He holds a degree in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2005) and a PhD in Food Science from Unicamp (2011). He has experience in the area of ​​Microbiology, with emphasis on biotechnology, working mainly on the following topics: carotenoids and yeasts, and sensory analysis. He is currently developing research in new product technology and sensory food analysis.
Research Interest
Carotenoids and yeasts, and sensory analysis.
ARRUDA, AG; AVILA, SXG; BRAGA, AAB; GALLEGO, TB; LIMA, JM; MAGALHAES, FS; MOTA, JCM; NOGUEIRA, FP; NUNES, L.; REINALDO, AFA; SOUSA, C.; SILVA, DO; SANTANIN, MA . Elaboration of cheese bread enriched with fibers, using flax flour, oat bran and amaranth. In: 1st Symposium on Technology and Science, 2014, Patos de Minas. 1st Symposium on Technology and Science, 2014.
AVILA, SXG; SANTANIN, MA ; OLIVEIRA, FM; BRAGA, AAB. Development of a tutorial for statistical methodology in sensory analysis. In: XX Jornada in Chemical Engineering, 2015, Uberlândia. XX Jornada in Chemical Engineering, 2015.
SANTANIN, MA ; Rodriguez-Amaya, DB . Carotenoid contents in papaya and peach determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Food Science and Technology (Online), v. 27, p. 787-792, 2007.