
Business & Management Experts

Celso Lafer

Klabin S.A


Mr. Celso Lafer serves as an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Klabin SA. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metal Leve SA Industria e Comercio. He was Minister of the Brazilian State for Foreign Affairs in 1992. In 1999, he was Minister of State for Development, Industry and Trade. From 1995 to 1998, he served as Ambassador, Head of Permanent Mission of Brazil in the United Nations UN and the World Trade Organization in Geneva. Since 2003, he is Member of the Board of Directors of Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP. In 2007, he was appointed Chairman of this institution by the Governor of the state of Sao Paulo. He is Member of Academia Brasileira de Ciencias since 2004 and Effective Member of Academia Brasileira de Letras since 2006. He holds a Honoris Causa Doctorate degree from University of Buenos Aires, obtained in 2001, and from Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, in 2002. He received in 2001 the Moinho Santista Award in International Relations. He gained a Doctorate in Philosophy in Political Science from Cornell University in 1970. Mr. Celso Lafer serves as an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Klabin SA. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metal Leve SA Industria e Comercio. He was Minister of the Brazilian State for Foreign Affairs in 1992. In 1999, he was Minister of State for Development, Industry and Trade. From 1995 to 1998, he served as Ambassador, Head of Permanent Mission of Brazil in the United Nations UN and the World Trade Organization in Geneva. Since 2003, he is Member of the Board of Directors of Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP. In 2007, he was appointed Chairman of this institution by the Governor of the state of Sao Paulo. He is Member of Academia Brasileira de Ciencias since 2004 and Effective Member of Academia Brasileira de Letras since 2006. He holds a Honoris Causa Doctorate degree from University of Buenos Aires, obtained in 2001, and from Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, in 2002. He received in 2001 the Moinho Santista Award in International Relations. He gained a Doctorate in Philosophy in Political Science from Cornell University in 1970.

Research Interest

Business and Management

Global Experts from Brazil

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