
Business & Management Experts

Guilherme Peirão Leal



Guilherme Leal is a graduate in Business Administration by the Universidade de São Paulo and completed the Advanced Management Program at the Fundação Dom Cabral/INSEAD. He is one of the founders and member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Over the last 25 years, he has participated in the constitution and corporate governance of several social and business organizations such as the Fundação Abrinq pelos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, Instituto Ethos – Companies and Social Responsibility- and Instituto Akatu para o Consumo Consciente. He also participated in institutions such as Ashoka – Social Entrepreneurship. After 2000, he participated in various environmental institutions, such as the Advisory Council of FUNBIO (Fundo Brasileiro para Biodiversidade) and the WWF-Brasil, where he was a member of the council. In 2007, he was one of the founders of the Movimento Nossa Sao Paulo, which the goal is articulate various sectors of local society for a better city, fairer and more sustainable. Since 2008, he is currently dedicated to structuring his legacy through the Instituto Arapyaú – IA – an organization dedicated to education and sustainable development. In the 2010 elections, he was a candidate for the vice presidency of Brazil with Marina Silva.They received about 20 million votes, representing approximately 20% of the Brazilian electorate. In 2012, he helped found the Network of Political Action for Sustainability (Rede de Ação Política pela Sustentabilidade), a non-partisan institution dedicated to identifying, provide training, monitor and gather the best current and future political leaders in Brazil. In the same year he became part of the B-Team, a group formed by international leaders that aims to engage corporations and leaders to the  Guilherme Leal is a graduate in Business Administration by the Universidade de São Paulo and completed the Advanced Management Program at the Fundação Dom Cabral/INSEAD. He is one of the founders and member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Over the last 25 years, he has participated in the constitution and corporate governance of several social and business organizations such as the Fundação Abrinq pelos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, Instituto Ethos – Companies and Social Responsibility- and Instituto Akatu para o Consumo Consciente. He also participated in institutions such as Ashoka – Social Entrepreneurship. After 2000, he participated in various environmental institutions, such as the Advisory Council of FUNBIO (Fundo Brasileiro para Biodiversidade) and the WWF-Brasil, where he was a member of the council. In 2007, he was one of the founders of the Movimento Nossa Sao Paulo, which the goal is articulate various sectors of local society for a better city, fairer and more sustainable. Since 2008, he is currently dedicated to structuring his legacy through the Instituto Arapyaú – IA – an organization dedicated to education and sustainable development. In the 2010 elections, he was a candidate for the vice presidency of Brazil with Marina Silva.They received about 20 million votes, representing approximately 20% of the Brazilian electorate. In 2012, he helped found the Network of Political Action for Sustainability (Rede de Ação Política pela Sustentabilidade), a non-partisan institution dedicated to identifying, provide training, monitor and gather the best current and future political leaders in Brazil. In the same year he became part of the B-Team, a group formed by international leaders that aims to engage corporations and leaders to the 

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Business and Management

Global Experts from Brazil

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