Graciela Tanaka
Netshoes Cayman Ltd
Ms. Graciela Kumruian Tanaka is Chief Operating Officer of the company. She joined us in 2008 and has been our acting chief operating officer since 2012. In 2008, she set up our entire technology department and became responsible for the management and internal development of all of our core systems. In 2012, Ms. Tanaka assumed her current position as our chief operating officer and, with her technology background and expertise, we were able to implement pioneering projects in our logistics and customer relationship departments. Ms. Tanaka also managed important and innovative projects throughout her career. For instance, from 2005 to 2008, she worked as IT director at the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region (Tribunal Regional Federal da 3a Região), where she was responsible for the implementation of systems designed to streamline processes in the judicial system, and while at Diebold from 1999 to 2005, she participated in the set-up of electronic voting systems in two general elections in Brazil. Ms. Tanaka holds a degree in computer science from Saint Judas Tadeu University (Universidade São Judas Tadeu). Ms. Graciela Kumruian Tanaka is Chief Operating Officer of the company. She joined us in 2008 and has been our acting chief operating officer since 2012. In 2008, she set up our entire technology department and became responsible for the management and internal development of all of our core systems. In 2012, Ms. Tanaka assumed her current position as our chief operating officer and, with her technology background and expertise, we were able to implement pioneering projects in our logistics and customer relationship departments. Ms. Tanaka also managed important and innovative projects throughout her career. For instance, from 2005 to 2008, she worked as IT director at the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region (Tribunal Regional Federal da 3a Região), where she was responsible for the implementation of systems designed to streamline processes in the judicial system, and while at Diebold from 1999 to 2005, she participated in the set-up of electronic voting systems in two general elections in Brazil. Ms. Tanaka holds a degree in computer science from Saint Judas Tadeu University (Universidade São Judas Tadeu).
Research Interest
Business and Managemnet