Camélia Santina Murgo Mansão
Oeste Paulista University
He holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Sacred Heart (1997), a Master's degree in School Psychology (2002) and a Doctorate in Psychology Science and Profession (2005) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Postdoctoral studies in Psychological Assessment by the University of São Francisco (2009-2013). She is a professor and coordinator of the Research and Scientific Initiation Program of the Psychology Course of Universidade do Oeste Paulista. Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program - Master's Degree in Education - of Universidade do Oeste Paulista in the quadrennium 2013-2016. . Leader of the Research Group Teacher Training and Construction of Subjectivity Processes (CNPq), has experience in the area of ​​Professional Counseling and Psychological Assessment, acting mainly in the following subjects: psychological tests, professional orientation, positive psychology in educational contexts, teacher self-efficacy, subjective well-being of teachers.
Research Interest
The area of ​​Professional Counseling and Psychological Assessment, acting mainly in the following subjects: psychological tests, professional orientation, positive psychology in educational contexts, teacher self-efficacy, subjective well-being of teachers.