Jerson Kelman
Mr. Jerson Kelman has been Chief Executive Officer at Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo - SABESP since January 2015 and has been Director its February 13, 2015 and served as its Member of The Board of Executive Officers. Mr. Kelman served as the Chief Executive Officer of Rio de Janeiro power distributor at Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais since March 01, 2010 and also served as its President. He served as the Chief Executive Officer and Member of Executive Board at Light SA until August 2012. He served as the President of Light SA. He has been Independent Member at Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A. since May 11, 2017. He served as a Member of International Advisory Board of Abengoa SA. Mr. Kelman served as Director General of Brazil's power sector regulator Aneel until January 2010 and also served as its President. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Hydraulics from the School of Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ), a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering at UFRJ and holds a Ph.D in Hydrology and Water Resources from Colorado State University.
Research Interest