Giselle Burlamaqui Klautau
Santa Casa de Sao Paulo
She graduated in Medicine from the Educational Foundation of the State of Pará in 1988. From February 1989 to January 1991, she studied Residency in Clinical Medicine at the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Subsequently, from 1992 to 1994 he specialized in the Medical Residency level in Contagious Infectious Diseases at the Institute of Infectology Emílio Ribas, of the State Department of Health of São Paulo. In 2005, he completed the postgraduate course at the Medical School of Santa Casa de São Paulo, in 2014 he obtained a Doctorate Degree in Infectology after public defense of Thesis in the Postgraduate Course Graduation of the Paulista School of Medicine - Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP. He is currently Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo, coordinating the Discipline of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases with the students of the fourth and sixth year of the Medical Graduation Course. At the Institute of Infectology Emílio Ribas, the State Department of Health of São Paulo carries out assistance activities and acts in the guidance of Resident Physicians and Specialists in Infectology, having in 2010 exercised the Precepts of the Medical Residency Course. She is Medical Second Assistant in the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. Has experience in the area of ​​Clinical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with emphasis on tuberculosis, tuberculosis and AIDS, osteo-articular infections and infections in immunosuppressed patients. in the coordination exercise of the Discipline of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases with the students of the fourth and sixth year of the Medical Graduation Course. At the Institute of Infectology Emílio Ribas, the State Department of Health of São Paulo carries out assistance activities and acts in the guidance of Resident Physicians and Specialists in Infectology, having in 2010 exercised the Precepts of the Medical Residency Course. She is Medical Second Assistant in the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. Has experience in the area of ​​Clinical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with emphasis on tuberculosis, tuberculosis and AIDS, osteo-articular infections and infections in immunosuppressed patients. in the coordination exercise of the Discipline of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases with the students of the fourth and sixth year of the Medical Graduation Course. At the Institute of Infectology Emílio Ribas, the State Department of Health of São Paulo carries out assistance activities and acts in the guidance of Resident Physicians and Specialists in Infectology, having in 2010 exercised the Precepts of the Medical Residency Course. She is Medical Second Assistant in the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. Has experience in the area of ​​Clinical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with emphasis on tuberculosis, tuberculosis and AIDS, osteo-articular infections and infections in immunosuppressed patients. of the State Department of Health of São Paulo performs Assistance activities and acts in the orientation of Resident Doctors and Specialists in Infectology, having in 2010 exercised the Preceptoria of the Course of Medical Residency. She is Medical Second Assistant in the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. Has experience in the area of ​​Clinical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with emphasis on tuberculosis, tuberculosis and AIDS, osteo-articular infections and infections in immunosuppressed patients. of the State Department of Health of São Paulo performs Assistance activities and acts in the orientation of Resident Doctors and Specialists in Infectology, having in 2010 exercised the Preceptoria of the Course of Medical Residency. She is Medical Second Assistant in the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. Has experience in the area of ​​Clinical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with emphasis on tuberculosis, tuberculosis and AIDS, osteo-articular infections and infections in immunosuppressed patients.
Research Interest
Health Sciences, Medicine
MASSARENTE, VL; KAMEOKA, VE; RASSLAN, Z.; KLAUTAU, Giselle Burlamaqui . Atypical systemic manifestation caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Case report. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MEDICAL CLINIC, v. 14, p. 217-220, 2016.
ZITRON, RENATO; WAJSFELD, TALI; Klautau, Giselle Burlamaqui ; DA SILVA, CELY BARRETO; NIGRO, STANLEY; MERCADANTE, MARCELO TOMANIK; POLESELLO, GIANCARLO CAVALLI; CURY, RICARDO DE PAULA LEITE; SALLES, MAURO JOSE COSTA. Concentration of Sonication Fluid through Centrifugation Is Superior to Membrane Filtration for Microbial Diagnosis of Orthopedic Implant-Associated Infection. Journal of Clinical Microbiology (Print) , v. 54, p. 788-790, 2016.
SILVEIRA, TT; KIKUTA, VS; PIPA, MB; CUNHA, DFS; RIBEIRO, TC; RIO, RC; SALLES, MJC; KLAUTAU, Giselle Burlamaqui . Study of the osteoarticular forms of tuberculosis in patients attended at a Didactic Outpatient Clinic in a Teaching Hospital. MEDICAL ARCHIVES OF THE HOSPITALS AND THE FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE SANTA CASA DE SÃO PAULO (PRINTED), v. 62, p. 18-21, 2017.