Pedro De Oliva Neto
São Paulo State University, Brazil
Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
Professor in the graduation (Biotechnology Engineering and Biological Science at UNESP) and post-graduation (UNESP and PhD Program in Bioenergy USP-UNICAMPUNESP) courses . He was Coordinator of graduation courses and chief of the Biological Science department at UNESP. Bachelors at Biological Science from UNESP (1986), Masters in Food Science from UNICAMP (1990), Doctorate at Food Engineering from UNICAMP (1995) and Associate Professor (2004) from UNESP. He has several papers and some books published in reputed international institutions in bioprocess acting on: Biofuels (ethanol) and Food Ingredients production (special sugars, biopolymers and yeast derivatives). Currently member of the executive board of IPBEN (UNESP Institute of Bioenergy) and consultant of some institutions and scientific journals. Professor in the graduation (Biotechnology Engineering and Biological Science at UNESP) and post-graduation (UNESP and PhD Program in Bioenergy USP-UNICAMPUNESP) courses . He was Coordinator of graduation courses and chief of the Biological Science department at UNESP. Bachelors at Biological Science from UNESP (1986), Masters in Food Science from UNICAMP (1990), Doctorate at Food Engineering from UNICAMP (1995) and Associate Professor (2004) from UNESP. He has several papers and some books published in reputed international institutions in bioprocess acting on: Biofuels (ethanol) and Food Ingredients production (special sugars, biopolymers and yeast derivatives). Currently member of the executive board of IPBEN (UNESP Institute of Bioenergy) and consultant of some institutions and scientific journals.
Research Interest
Biofuels and Bioenergy