Sérgio Kopinski Ekerman
Assistant Professor
Universiade Federal da Bahia
He holds a Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), currently Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (NY). Adjunct Professor of the Nucleus of Technology, Design and Planning of the Faculty of Architecture of UFBA and collaborating professor of the Professional Masters in Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Historic Nuclei (MP-CECRE) and of the Specialization Course - Residency in Architecture, Urbanism and Engineering. Among the prizes received, the following stand out: First ex-aequo prize in the IAB-BA 2013 awards; honorable mention in the 10th Young Architects Prize of IAB-SP; honorable mentions in the Prize Opera Prima - National Contest of Graduation Final Jobs, as a student and as advisor and 3rd place in the Competition for the new library of the Faculty of Law of USP promoted by the IAB-SP. His projects have been published in specialized magazines and exhibited in exhibitions in Brazil and abroad (China, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Denmark).
Research Interest
Architecture and Urbanism, working mainly on the following themes: architecture and urban design, urban requalification, project interventions in preexisting buildings and sites and religious architecture.
EKERMAN, Sergio Kopinski . The Struggle for Dialogue Within a Heritage City. Architectural Design, v. 241, p. 106-111, 2016.