Clemens Schlindwein
Botany DepartmentÂ
University of Minas
I have a degree in Biological Sciences (Universität Hohenheim) and a doctorate in Natural Sciences - Biology (Universität Tübingen, Germany). I am an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Department of Botany, I coordinate the research group: Plebeia - Bee Ecology and Pollination and I am a member of the Graduate Programs in Plant Biology (UFMG), Zoology (UFMG) and Ecology , Conservation and Wildlife Management (UFMG). I develop research on pollination ecology and associated issues. Research topics: specialized pollination systems; oligoletia; pollination by bees, sphingids and beetles; pollination of Araceae; nocturnal / crepuscular bees and their relationships with flowers; plant communities and anthropic insects; behavior of solitary bees; reproductive biology of plants and pollinators; palynology; chemical communication plant-pollinator.
Research Interest
Ecology of pollination, Bee Interaction - Plant, Ecology and Systematics of Bees, Systematics and Ecology of Antinophilic Insects, Community of bees and plants, Applied Palynology, Biology of Pollination.
Falcão BF, Schlindwein C, Stehmann JR. Pollen release mechanisms and androecium structure in Solanum (Solanaceae): Does anther morphology predict pollination strategy?. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 2016 Sep 30;224:211-7.
Oliveira R, R Pereira C, Pimentel AF, Laura A, Schlindwein C. The Consequences of predation risk on the male territorial behavior in a solitary bee. Ethology. 2016 Aug 1;122(8):632-9.
Gonçalves-Souza P, Schlindwein C, Dötterl S, Paiva EA. Unveiling the osmophores of Philodendron adamantinum (Araceae) as a means to understanding interactions with pollinators. Annals of botany. 2017 Mar 1;119(4):533-43.