
Diabetes & Endocrinology Experts

Prof. Boyan Lozanov, Md

- Head of Endocrinology and Nephrology Clinic
Acibadem A Class Healthcare Services


Prof. Boyan Lozanov is a specialist in endocrinology and metabolism diseases. He has graduated Medicine in the Medical University in Plovdiv (1958). He has specialty in Internal medicine (1965) and Endocrinology (1969). PhD thesis: 1977 - for a doctor of medicine, 1992 - Doctor of Medical Sciences (1992). Specialized tireoidology in England (University of New Castle, London and Oxford).Qualificationas associate professor accomplished in 1985 and professor of endocrinology - in 1993. He has 169 scientific publications, 151 of them scientific articles in Bulgarian and foreign medical journals and 18 books, monographs. His main research interests and contributions are mainly in tireoidologiy: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune yoddefitsitnite thyroid disease and others. Head of the Clinical Center of Endocrinology at the Medical University of Sofia (1992 - 2000) and the Clinic for Diseases of the thyroid and bone mineral exchange the same from 1986 to 2002). National Consultant in Endocrinology (1997-2000). Consultant in Endocrinology at the University Hospital "Lozenets" (2006-2011). Currently working in "Tokuda Hospital Sofia" Internal Medicine Clinic. Member of Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology since its foundation, editor of the official publication of the company - journal "Endocrinology" 1996 to date.Member of the European Thyroid Association (ETA) and the European Society of Endocrinology (ECE). Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts (BASA) and the editorial board of its journal "Bulgarian medicine." He has received several prestigious awards in the field of medicine, including "Asklepius" of the Sofia University for his contributions to medical science for 2001 and the Military Academy Award "Prof. Constantine Chilov" contribution to the development of internal medicine in 2004.

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