Dr. Milena Mihailova
Medical Imaging
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
Dr. Milena Mihailova graduated Medicine from Medcial University, Sofia in 1982. She has specialized Radiology in Military Medical Academy, Sofia and acquired Medical Imaging specialty in 1989. She worked in the Radiology Department and the United Avio Medical Scientific Research Institute of Military Medical Academy, Sofia as a Scientific Research Assosiate with specialty Radiology Diagnostics for the needs of the avio medical investigations. She acquired Aviation Medicine specialty in 1995. She worked in 4th General Hospital Sofia as a specialst of Convectional X-ray Imaging, Ultrasound Imaging, Mammology Diagnostics. Through the years she gained qualification for executing of highly specialized examinations in the area of Medical Imaging. Her professional and scientifc interests are oriented to Mammary Gland diseases diagnostics. Dr. Mihailova is an active member of the Bulgarian Radiology Association and the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
Research Interest