Dr. Vasil Yablanski
Department chief
Оrthopedics and traumatology
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
Dr. Yablanksi graduated from the Thracian Medical University in 1996. He received his specialization in Оrthopedics and traumatology in 2001. He also has a narrow specialization in endoprosthesis. Dr. Yablanski took further qualification courses in primary and revision endoprosthesis in Germany, Austria, Japan, France and Sweden, spine surgery in Spain, Turkey and Israel, as well as many others in world leading centers. He has also passed additional post-graduate medical training for bone-joint surgery received in Salzburg, Austria and in the surgical department of Duke University Hospital in North Carolina, USA. Dr. Yablanski holds a Master's degree in Public Health from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel and a Master's degree in Healthcare Management. In 2016 he acquired academic position associate professor. Dr. Yablanski worked for eight years in the orthopedics and trauma department of the University Hospital in Stara Zagora, after that he began working in the University Hospital Tzaritza Yoanna. He has been the department chief of Tokuda's Orthopedics and traumatology department since the opening of the hospital. He is an active member of the Bulgarian Association of Orthopedics and Trauma, the International Hip Society and the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons.
Research Interest
Оrthopedics and traumatology