Galina Kirova - Nedialkova
Department Chief
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
Prof. Kirova graduated from Madical Faculty of Medical Academy Sofia, and after graduation she worked consecutively in the X-ray department of Dobrich District Hospital, in the vascular and interventional diagnostic sector of the X-ray department of Military Medical Academy, Sofia, the medical imaging sector of the National Oncology Center, and the medical imaging diagnostic department of the University Hospital Lozenetz. She has a specialty diploma in Medical Imaging, and she is proficient in all the conventional and specialized methods in Medical Imaging. Thanks to her vast experience in the National Oncology Center, she is very knowledgeable of the biology of cancer, its special features and peculiarities, diagnostic methods, and the monitoring of cancerous diseases. Her areas of special professional interest include lung diseases and she has worked long years as a consultant of Pulmonology, Thoracic Surgery and Rheumatology Clinics. In the last years her clinical and scientific interest is oriented towards the medical imaging diagnostics of the heart and the blood vessels. She started her scientific research activities in 1992 after succesful examination for scientific assistant in Military Medical Academy, Sofia. In 2000 she defended dissertation thesis on Specifications of Diffuse Lung Diseases Diagnostics and in 2006 she was habilitated. She has received additional specializations from the University Hospital of Uppsala, Sweden, the University Hospital in Bordeaux, France and the Oncology Center in Marseille, France. Prof. Kirova is author of more than 150 scientific publications in national and worldwide medical journals. She is author and co-author of medical imaging and lung and heart diseases textbooks. She organises and presents lectures in numerous national and international forums for medical imaging. Since 1997, she has been a guest lecturer of the National Oncology Center, the Sofia Medical University, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, School for Cardiology and School for Pulmonology. She is also a coordinator of scientific forums organized with the assistance of the Bulgarian Royal College of Radiologists and European Society of Cardiac Radiology in Bulgaria. She was a lecturer in the Department for Teaching Rentgenology Technicians and an organiser of the National conferences of Rentgenology Technicians in 2008 and 2012. She was pledged a presidient of the XV National Congress of the Bulgarian Radiology Association in 2013. She participates in national work groups for preparing of rules for food medical practrice in the area of rentgenology, pulmonology and oncology. Prof. Kirova is a vice president of Bulgarian Radiology Association, the deputy chief editor of the scientific journal “Rentgenology and radiology”, member of the editors boards of the magazines Reumatology and Oncologus. She is founder and chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Caridiothoracic Rentgenology for the period of 2010-2014 and a board member of the European Society for Cardiac Rentgenology. Assoc. Prof. Kirova was a board member of the Bulgarian Endovascular Society for the period of 2010-2014, as well as regular member of numerous of European and national associations and organizations. She is a chairman of the Scientific Ethics Comission of Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital.
Research Interest