Miteva Polimira
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
PhD student at Social, Work and Organizational Psychology Unit Department of Psychology, Institute for Population and Human Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPHS-BAS). Educational trainings in statistics, English, and political psychology. Interests in prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination. MBA at University of National and World Economy, Sofia (2009 – 2011). Main study activities in Statistics, Economics, Marketing, Management. Bachelor’s Degree in Primary School Teaching and Foreign Language at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia (2006 – 2009). Main study activities in Psychology, Philosophy and Didactics. Teaching experience with 10 years old children. High School Diploma from 33 Language School “St. Sofia” (2001 – 2006). Personal Interests in Psychology, prejudices, group behaviour, social interactions, mass communication and influences, mass conveyed messages and persuasion.
Research Interest