Stilyana Kiurkchieva
Assoc. Prof.
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
Assoc. Prof. Kiurkchieva graduated Medicine from Medical University, Varna in 1971. She acquired Urology specialty in 1971. She has 20 years of experience in University General Hospital for Urgent Medicine "Pirogov" as she gradually worked from intern to Head of the Children's Urology Cliinic. In 1989 she acquired the scientific degree "doctor" and since 1990 she is the only habilitated person for the children's urology specialty in the country. In the moment Assoc. Prof. Kiurkchieva is a an exrternal expert for urology diseases for treatment of children abroad She has a diploma for Healthcare Management, a diploma for Abdominal Ultrasound Examinations and Transurethral Surgery. Assoc. Prof. Kiurkchieva has professional experience in the treatment of all urologic diseases in children's age, anomalies of the excretory organs and external urologic anomalies.
Research Interest