Vulcheva Krumova Evgeniya
Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital
Evgeniya Krumova graduated from Medical College of Sofia in 1984 and received her specialization in ‘Medical Technician’ in 2001 followed by a specialization in ‘Health Care Management’ in the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University Sofia. Initially she worked as a medical technician in the laboratory for reproduction and biosynthesis of the National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases at the Multidisciplinary Hospital ‘Queen Giovanna as a chief medical technician of the Virology Laboratory until 2005. Prior to her employment in Tokuda Hospital Sofia, she worked in the University Hospital ‘Lozenetz’ as a medical technician in the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory and in the Military Medical Academy of Sofia as a senior medical technician in the Microbiology scientific research lab.congresses, attends courses for improving her postgraduate qualifications etc.
Research Interest