
Genetics Experts

P Michailova

Animal Diversity and Resources & Biodiversity and Ecology of
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Education: • 1970: MSc, Faculty of Biology, “St Kliment Okhridski”, University of Sofia; thesis:”Chomosome polymorphism of Anopheles maculipennis and Anopheles messae (Diptera)”, supervisor • 1976: PhD, Institute of Zoology, BAS; thesis: "Karyosystematic studies of Chironomid species (Chironomidae, Diptera) from Bulgarian Black Sea coast and Black sea lakes". Supervisors: and Prof.V.Golenamsky. • 1991: DSc, Institute of Zoology, BAS; thesis: “The Polytene chromosomes and their significance to the systematic, taxonomy and speciation of fam. Chironomidae, Diptera". Languages: • English, German, Russian Post Doc Specialization: • 1978 - three months training course in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk and the Institute of Zoology, Leningrad, USSR. • 1983 - one month training course in the Institute of Zoology, University of Bern, Switzerland. • 1986 - FEBS Stipendium and working three months in the Institute of Zoology, University of Göttingen, Germany. Employment: • 1976 - 1986: Scientific Researcher, Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. • 1986 - 1990 - Assoc. Prof., Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. • 1991 and continue - Professor of Cytotaxonomy, Evolution and Cytogenetics, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem research (former Institute of Zoology), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. • 1980 - 1981 - teaching "General Biology", Medical Academy, Sofia. • 1981 - teaching “Cytogenetics” at Sofia University, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology. • 1994 – 2002 - teaching “Cytogenetics” at Plovdiv University, Depart. General Biology, Faculty of Biology • 2013 – teaching “Cytogenetics” and “Mutagenesis” at Plovdiv University, Faculty of Biology Research Activities (Some Projects): Invited Lecturer: • 1990 - invited lecturer in the Institute of Zoology by Gottingen University, Germany; • 1997, 1999, 2002 - invited lecturer in the Department of Genetics by University of Mainz, Germany; • 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2011 - invited lecturer in the Department of Animal and Human Biology by University of Turin, Italy; • 2000 – invited lecturer in Department of Zoology by Milan University, Italy; • 2003 – invited lecturer in Zoological Institute, S. Petersburg, Russia; • 2011 – invited lecturer in Department of Biology by University of Grenoble, France; • 2013 - invited lecturer in the Department of Genetics by University of Mainz, Germany; • 2015 - invited in Biocenter Vienna, Austria to be performed genome analysis with marine insect species. • 2015 – invited lecturer in Department of Biology by University of Grenoble, France; • 2016 - invited lecturer in the Department of Genetics by University of Mainz, Germany; • Students: • Supervisor of P. Gercheva MS (1981-1983); • Supervisor of B. Todorova MS (1987- 1990); • Supervisor of B. Krastanov MS (1997-2000); • Supervisor of K. Todorova MS (1999-2001). • Supervisor of Y. Todorova PhD (1998-2001); • Supervisor of B. Krastanov PhD (2004-2007); • Supervisor of J. Ilkova PhD (2006-2009); • Co-supervisor of R. Victorov PhD (1997- 1999). • Co-supervisor of St. Stoinev PhD (Macedonia), (2000-2003). Foreign PhD students specialized by prof. P.Michailova: • S.Bovero, Turin University, Italy, 2001. • L.C. S.Correia, Laboratory of Aquatic Entomology, Fed. University of Sa˜o Carlos, SP, Brazil, 2003. • I.Jablonska-Barna, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Fisheries, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, 2004 and 2011. Some projects: • 1995 - 1997 - NATO grant: Chironomds as test system of heavy metals (with University of Turin, Italy). • 1998 - 2001 - An international project with University of Turin, Italy Chromosome polymorphism in Chironomidae, Diptera. • 1998 - 2000 - An international project with Finland Academy of Sciences (exchange program);Taxonomy of Chironomus (Diptera). • 1998 -2001; 2002 - 2009 - An International project with Russian Academy of Sciences (exchange program); Family Chironomidae (Diptera) a model of microevolution; Population cytotaxonomical variability of Chironomidae (Diptera) from different anthropogenic regions. • 2000 - 2002 - Royal Society grant (working together with Manchester University, UK); Genotoxic effect of heavy metals on Chironomids (Diptera). • 2004 - 2007 - Royal Society grant (working together with Manchester University,UK); Chironomids (Diptera) as indicators of environmental genotoxicity. • 2004 - 2007 - NATO grant (working together with University of Turin, Italy); Polytene chromosomes as a bioassay of heavy metal induced genome instability • 2008 - 2010 -Bulgarian Natural Foundation “Scientific Investigations". Chromosome variability of model insect species of Diptera and Heteroptera - a quantitive criterion of species differentiation and assessment of the degree of water ecosystems pollution. • 2009-2012 - grant by Ministry of Education and Sciences, Sofia; New Integrated Genome biomarker test system: useful tool in environmental risk assessment in model invertebrate and vertebrate species. • 2008-2011 -an international project with Polish Academy of Sciences (exchange program);Comparative cytotaxonomical studies and genome response to stress environmental conditions on Insects (Diptera, Orthoptera) from Bulgaria and Poland • 2009-2011 – an international project with Anakara University, Turkey (exchange program); Assessment of Chemical Pollution in some Turkish and Bulgarian River by genome and Biochemical studies of Chironomidae (Diptera). • 2011-2014 - an international project with Polish Academy of Sciences (exchange program); Cytotaxonomy and genome alterations in Chironomidae (Diptera) and Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) from Bulgaria and Poland • 2013–2015 – Royal Society grant (working together with Manchester University,UK); A cytogenetic environmental quality ration as indicator of pollution . 2015 - 2018 - Funded by Polish National Science Center: (working with University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland): Reconstruction and prognosis of response of a river system affected by Pb-Zn ore mine contamination. • 205 scientific papers, publishing in: "Caryologia", "Genetica", "Cytologia", "Chromosoma", "Z.f.Evolutionsforschung", "Cytobios", "Ent. Scand.", "Zool. Anz.", "Zool. Beitrage", “Environmental pollution”, "Genome" and etc.; 92 reports made in international Symposia, Congresses and Conference. Two Monographs; six chapters of monographs, and a Hand Book of Cytogenetics (two editions): Citation of her papers: more than 1800 times. Membership: 1985 and continue - In an International FEBS organization; 1987 and continue - A representative of East Europe in international j.” Newsletter of Chironomus”; 1998 and continue - In an Editorial Board of j. “Acta Zool.Bulgarica” (Sofia); 2007 and continue - In an Editorial Board of j. “Comparative Cytogenetics”(S.Petersburg). 2013 and 2016 - In an Edition Board of j. “Journal of Insects”,USA. 2008 and continue – Editor in Chief of “Faina of Bulgaria”. Position: • 1986 - 2010 - Member of Scientific Society by Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 1990 and continue – Head of the laboratory “Cytotaxonomy and Evolution”, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem research (former Institute of Zoology), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 1992 - 2009 - Member of Scientific Society of Zoology and Ecology by High Certifying Commission of a Council of Ministers; • 1994 - 1997 - Member of General Meeting by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 1994 - 1997 - Deputy Director of Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 1997 - 2003 - Scientific secretary and member of Scientific Commission by High Certifying Commission of a Council of Ministers; • 1998 - 2001 - Member of Scientific Society of Genetics by High Certifying Commission of a Council of Ministers; • 1998 - 2003 - Head of the Scientific Commission by Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 2003 - 2009 - Deputy Director by Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; • 2007 - 2009 - Member of Commission by Ministry of Education and Science. • 2007 - 2010 - Scientific secretary and Member of Specializing Scientific Committee by High Certifying Commission of a Council of Ministers; • 2009 - 2010 - Director of Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences • 2010 - Member of Commission by Ministry of Education and Science. • 2011 - Member of Commission by Ministry of Education and Science. • 2011 and continue - Member of Scientific Society by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. • 2010 - 2015 – Head of Research group “Cytotaxonomy and evolution” by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research. Distinction: • The monograph entitled “The polytene chromosomes and their significance to the systematics of the family Chironomidae, Diptera”, 1998, Acta Zool. Fennica, 186. 107pp. won a prize on the name of famous Bulgarian Cytogenetist "Doncho Kostov"(1986). •Two projects funded by Bulgarian Ministerium of Education and Science, Natural Foundation”Scientific Investigation” headed by Prof.P.Michailova won prizes in 1998 and 2004 years respectively. • 2013 - A prize of the best poster in International Conference “Bioscience”, Klimentdays

Research Interest

ZOOLOGY – cytotaxonomy and evolution; GENETICS - Population genetics and cytogenetics; GENOTOXICOLOGY - model Chironomid species; (Relevant scientific techniques: cytogenetic techniques- (routine procedure, differential staining, in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, artificial breeding of Chironomids, Diptera and etc.)

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