Petrescu Mircea Ionuţ
Material Science
metallurgical academic school
Ph.D. degree diploma in M ineralogy Doctoral thesis „ Theoretical and experimental studies and researches on the hardness and crystallochemistry of sulfides and sufosalts ” Name of hi gh education institution University of Buchares t , Facultaty of Geology Acquired professional competences Mineralogy of sulfides and sulfos alts Accuracy in microhardness determination; load size correction Atomic structure of sulfide minerals Theoretical hardness determination from cristal l och e mic al data Computer processing of experimental data Period 198 2 - 1987 Qualification/ obtained diploma Geologist engineer diploma , specializa tion in Geological engineering and Geophysics Name and type of high e ducation institution University of Bucharest, Facultatea of Geolog y Acquired professional competences Cristallography Mineralogy Useful mineral deposits Geological prospecting and exploration Ore dressing
Research Interest
Material Science