
Surgery Experts

Anton Jordanov Tonev

Assoc. Prof.


In 2009, after winning a competition, he was appointed as a regular assistant in the Department of General and Operative Surgery at the Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov "- Varna. In 2013, defends dissertation on the topic "Complex approach for the discovery, staging and endoscopic radical treatment of rectal adenomas and early adenocarcinomas" and acquires the educational-scientific degree "Doctor". In 2015 he became an administrative assistant to the Department of General and Operative Surgery. In 2016 he won a competition for the acquisition of an academic position "Doctor". Teaching "Propedeutics of Surgery" and "Clinical Surgery" - lectures and exercises of medical students - Bulgarian language teaching and medical students - English language teaching. Specialized: visceral surgery in Augsburg, Germany; endoscopic and mini-invasive surgery in Frankfurt, Germany, endorectal mini-invasive diagnostics and surgery, Seoul, South Korea; Microsurgery of Rectum in Fort Lauderdale, USA; mini-invasive and endoscopic hepatobiliary system surgery - Amsterdam, the Netherlands; echo-endoscopy - Paris, France.

Research Interest


Global Experts from Bulgaria

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