General Science

General Science Experts

Jacob Thaysen

Senior Vice President,
Diagnostics and Genomics markets.


 Jacob Thaysen is senior vice president of Agilent and president of the Diagnostics and Genomics Group (DGG), one of Agilent’s three major business groups. He is responsible for the strategic direction and day-to-day management of the group, which serves laboratories in the Diagnostics and Genomics markets. Thaysen was previously vice president and general manager of the Diagnostics and Genomics business, within Agilent’s former Life Sciences, Diagnostics and Genomics Group. Prior to that, he was vice president and general manager of Agilent’s Genomics Solutions business. He joined Agilent in 2012 as part of the Dako acquisition. He was corporate vice president of R&D at Dako, and prior to that a management consultant at Copenhagen Consulting Co. (now Quartz+Co.). Previously, he was a founding partner and chief technology officer of Cantion, a research and defense application development company. Thaysen holds a Ph.D. in physics from the Technical University of Denmark.

Research Interest

 Diagnostics and Genomics

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