Christina Mendat
Medical Supply Pharmaceutical Enterprise
Christina is a Partner and the Senior Technical Director. She has conducted numerous formative and summative studies, and led clients successfully through regulatory approval process. For Human Factors MD, Christina provides technical oversight to our HF team and is an expert at translating research findings such as user needs, requirements, product strengths and weaknesses into compelling design directions and solutions. She brings over a decade of experience in human factors having spent more than 5000 hours in surgical suites, medical device usability studies, and outpatient facilities. She has presented papers to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the American Psychology Society and has been providing multiple workshops and lectures on navigating the latest standard, HE75, and human factors integration in quality management systems to groups including PDA (Parenteral Drug Association), ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering), and ASQ (American Society for Quality). Christina has a PhD in experimental psychology and ergonomics from North Carolina State University.
Research Interest