Channy In
Dr. Channy In has been the President and Group Managing Director of ACLEDA Bank Plc. since 2000. Dr. In founded ACLEDA Bank Plc. in January 1993 and has been its executive Director since September 2014. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of ACLEDA Bank Plc. Since 1993, he has attended numerous courses on management and microfinance in Cambodia and overseas. In 1998, he completed an executive course on Financial Institutions for Private Enterprise Development (FIPED) at Harvard University, USA. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and has received a Diploma on 'Productivity Improvement and Management for Asian Economies in Transition', Torino, Italy. Dr. In holds Master's Degree of business administration from Norton University and studied Business Organisation and Management at Gwynedd Mercy College, USA in 1990. He obtained a bachelor's degree in education at the Faculty of Advanced Education in Thailand, in 1992
Research Interest
Public Service