
Biochemistry Experts

Steven Fabijanski, Ph.d.

President and CEO
Agriculture and Biotechnology
Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Public Ltd. for Applied Research


Steve brings more than 20 years of experience as a senior executive and serial entrepreneur within the agriculture and biotechnology industry. He built and sold a seed company in the hybrid canola seeds business, and has extensive hands-on agricultural industry experience. Steve assumed leadership of Agrisoma in 2007 and grew the company from a small startup to a seasoned business with over 35 trained scientists and technical staff with multiple commercial partnerships across North America and globally. Since taking over as CEO, more than $50 million in funding and investment has been received to support Agrisoma’s continued growth. Prior to Agrisoma, Steve was Founder and President of the FAAR Biotechnology Group Inc., a Canadian management and technology consulting firm headquartered. At FAAR, he managed relationships with 150 clients including multinational companies such as Dow AgroSciences, Monsanto, Sakata Seed Corporation (North American, Japan, Brazil & Europe divisions). In addition to commercial capabilities, FAAR managed initiatives with regulatory bodies including AAFC - Ministry of Agriculture, Environment Canada (EC – Ministry of the Environment) and Health Canada (Ministry responsible for food and drug safety). Steve was also director of research for Paladin Hybrids responsible for the development of hybrid seed systems. He developed the technology for engineering of hybrids seed in canola, which led to the issuance of 13 patents on hybrid seed production methods which encompass the well-known Bayer hybrid system in Canola. The original patents filed by Steve in this area were in 1988, and grew to a sizable estate which was acquired by Pioneer Hi-Breds in 1991. Steve continued to be involved in patent prosecution with the estate culminating in the interference proceedings with Bayer and Pioneer. There was a sealed settlement between the two companies that allowed freedom to operate for both organizations. Steve holds a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Southern California, and a Bachelor’s of Science degree from the University of Miami. He holds 20 issued US Patents with 13 applied for US Patents in the area of agriculture and crops and in his scientific career published over 30 papers.

Research Interest

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Global Experts from Canada

Global Experts in Subject

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