Adam Kanar
Associate Professor
Goodman School of Business
Brock University
"Adam M. Kanar holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Human Resources Management from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Industrial Psychology from Bowling Green State University. Dr. Kanar currently teaches courses in Human Resource Management and Staffing to MBA and undergraduate students. He has worked in the management and organization development departments at Goodrich Corporation and JP Morgan Chase and has worked as an HR consultant for multiple private and public firms. Dr. Kanar is a member of professional organizations including the Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). "
Research Interest
Dr. Kanar 's research focuses on employee recruitment and selection and learner-control in technology-based training. His work has been published in respected scientific journals including Human Performance, Personnel Psychology, the Journal of Educational Psychology, and the International Journal of Human Resource Management. In addition, Dr. Kanar has published chapters that have appeared in edited research volumes and he presents regularly at major conferences, including the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the Academy of Mangement, and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).
Bell, B.S., Kanar, A. & Kozlowski, S.J. (2008). Current Issues and Future Directions in Simulation-Based Training in North America, International Journal of Human Resource Management. 19 (8), 1416-1432.
Sitzman, T., Bell, B.S., Kraiger, K. & Kanar, A. (2009). A Multilevel Analysis of the Effect of Prompting Self-Regulation in Technology-Delivered Instruction, Personnel Psychology. 62 (4), 697-734.
Kanar, A., Collins, C. & Bell, B. (2010). A Comparison of the Effects of Positive and Negative Information on Job Seekers? Organizational Attraction and Attribute Recall, Human Performance, 23 (3), 193-212.
Kanar, A. & Bell, B.S. (2013). Guiding Learners through Technology-Based Instruction: The Effects of Adaptive Guidance Design and Individual Differences on Learning over Time, Journal of Educational Psychology, 105 (4), 1067-1081.
Kanar, A., Collins, C.J., & Bell, B.S. (accepted for publication). Changing an Unfavorable Employer Reputation: The Roles of Recruitment Message-Type and Familiarity with Employer. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.