Mike Plyley
Brock University
Mike Plyley is an exercise physiologist, interested in the adaptation of skeletal muscle that arises from disturbances of the cellular environmental, which occur with physical training, disease conditions, and genetic manipulation. He has published numerous papers on the capillary supply of muscle in health and disease, including investigations of capillary development (angiogenesis) and the loss of capillaries with inactivity, aging, and disease. Currently, he is developing a database of the capillary supply of human skeletal muscle in health and disease for use by researchers in the field.
Research Interest
Muscle adaptation to training Capillary supply of skeletal muscle; Alterations in the capillary supply in health and disease; Interactions of capillary development/loss with alterations in muscle fibre growth/atrophy; Mechanism(s) of angiogenesis and capillary loss
Hartley, G.L., A.D. Flouris, M.J. Plyley and S.S. Cheung. (2012). The effect of a covert manipulation of ambient temperature on heat storage and voluntary exercise intensity. Physiol. Behav. 105: 1194-1201, 2012.
E. Papadopoulos, Y. Mezil, I.A. Ludwa, G.D. Wells, M. Plyley, M. Greenway and P. Klentrou. (2014). Acute versus chronic supplementation of sodium citrate on 200m performance in adolescent swimmers. J. Intern. Soc. Sports Nutr. 11: 26-35.
Faught, B.E., K. Sheehan, M. Plyley, M. Law, W.J. Montelpare, and L. Wiens. (2015). The Role of Intra-partum Intravenous Therapy and Newborn Weight Loss: Challenging the 7% Rule. Clin. Mother Child Hlth 12: 1-4. Russell, C.
Batey, B., Pretty, C., Wade, T.J., Plyley, M.J. and O’Leary, D.D. (2017). Health-related quality of life in patients attending maintenance cardiovascular rehabilitation. Eur. J. Cardiovasc. Prev. Rehabil. (in review).