Brian Johnson
Associate Professor
Department of English Language and Literature
Carleton University
Brian Johnson Degrees: B.A. Honours, M.A.(Manitoba), Ph.D. (Dalhousie)
Research Interest
Canadian Literature Literary and cultural theory Paraliteratures: Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Detective Fiction
Son of a Smaller (Super)Hero: Ethnicity, Comic Books, and Secret Identity in Richler’s Novels of Apprenticeship.†Canadian Literature 207 (2010): 26-40.
Maddin, Melodrama, and the Pre-National.†(Co-Authored with Jennifer Henderson. ) Double Takes: Intersections Between Canadian Literature and Film. Ottawa: U of Ottawa P. Forthcoming.
Libidinal Ecologies: Eroticism and Environmentalism in Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing.†Sexual Ideology in the Works of Alan Moore: Critical Essays on the Graphic Novels. Eds. Todd A. Comer and Joseph M. Sommers. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. 2011. 16-27.
Beyond the Lure: Teaching Horror, Teaching Theory.†Fear and Learning: Essays on the Pedagogy of Horror. Eds. Aalya Ahmad and Sean Moreland. Jefferson, NC: McFarland: 2013. 95-123.
Canadian Psycho: Genre, Nation, and Colonial Violence in Michael Slade’s Psycho-Thrillers.†Crime Fiction Canada: Essays on Canadian Detective Fiction. Eds. Jeannette Sloniowski and Marilyn Rose. Forthcoming.