Barry Turner
Chairman of the Board
Cyrium Technologies
Barry served on Cyrium's Board since its founding and has recently retired as AsiaSat's General Manager of Engineering. AsiaSat, based in Hong Kong, is one of the largest, oldest and most profitable satellite companies in Asia. At AsiaSat Barry was responsible for the design and implementation of major capital programs including the AsiaSat 3S, 4 and 5 satellite systems and AsiaSat's Tai Po Teleport. His responsibilities included International Frequency Regulation, International Spectrum management, as well as network design and activation for AsiaSat's clients.
Research Interest
Mr. Turner has over thirty years of aerospace experience and has provided consulting and management services to satellite communications programs in Australia, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and the United States. Mr. Turner holds a BEE degree from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in Canada and a MBA degree from the University of Ottawa. Prior to AsiaSat Barry held executive (VP sales and Marketing) , general management and engineering positions at Telesat Canada, principally in satellite control and operations.