William R. Burrows
Research Scientist
Cloud Physics and Severe Weather Research Section (Downsview
Environment and Climate Change Canada
International Lightning Meteorology Conference oral presentation and Session Chair at International Lightning Detection Conference "Safety Warning Systems" (April 2008, Tucson, AZ) PERD research grant for 1999-2007 1-km2 resolution lightning climatology for Canadian wind farm locations and for southern Canada in general Past member Probability and Statistics Committee, American Meteorological Society Peer reviews of several papers annually for various journals at the request of journal editors
Research Interest
Contributing to Environment Canada's mandate to provide timely and accurate forecasts of daily weather and severe weather
Wilson, L.J., W.R. Burrows and A. Lanzinger. 1999. A strategy for verification of weather element forecasts from an ensemble prediction system. Mon. Wea. Rev. 127: 956-970.
Burrows, W.R., P. King, P.J. Lewis, B. Kochtubajda, B. Snyder and V. Turcotte. 2002. Lightning occurrence patterns over Canada and adjacent United States from lightning detection network observations. Atmosphere-Ocean 40(1): 59-80.
Burrows, W.R., C. Price and L.J. Wilson. 2005. Warm season lightning probability prediction for Canada and the northern United States. Weather and Forecasting 20: 971-988.