Judy Clavier
Board of directors
Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL)
Judy Clavier of Dawson Creek, B.C., was first elected to the FCL Board of Directors in 2007. She represents the 9 retail co-operatives in FCL’s district 1, which covers northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia. As an FCL Director, Judy participates on the Board’s Audit and Credentials Committees. In addition, she is the Board’s representative to Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada and The Co-operators. Judy was first elected to the Board of Dawson Co-op in 2002. Judy has been active in her community – serving as a volunteer for McLeod Hall and Peace Mission Chapel. Judy and her husband Phillip recently exited the ranch industry. They have two sons and two granddaughters.
Research Interest
Business Development, Mnagement