Dave Brumbaugh
Geoglogy and Earth Science
Indiana State University,
Dave Brumbaugh (MA 1972, PhD 1973) took a 2004–05 sabbatical leave from Northern Arizona University, where he studied microearthquakes (more than 60) associated with a magnitude 4.6 tremor southwest of Winslow. He is author of an article on Grand Canyon Earthquakes that appears in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Brumbaugh is also busy with field mapping of a major northern Arizona normal fault, a manuscript that summarizes his thoughts on compressional structures in extensional environments, and maintaining and upgrading the northern Arizona seismic network. He continues work on faulting and earthquakes in Turkey and reports that his book Earthquakes: Science and Society is doing well. He shares with Don Hattin a love of steam locomotives and sees them in action at Williams, Ariz., during the summer months.
Research Interest
Geoglogy and Earth Science