
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Paul S. Kang

Chief Scientific Officer
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Innovative Targeting Solutions Inc.


Paul has been involved in the development and application of antibody generation technologies for over fourteen years at ImmGenics Pharmaceuticals, Abgenix and Amgen. Paul was one of the original five scientists that left the Biomedical Research Centre at the University of British Columbia to start up ImmGenics in 1998. While at ImmGenics, Paul was part of a team that advanced a novel antibody generation platform called SLAM (Selected Lymphocyte Antibody Method) to identify and isolate very high affinity antibodies (<10pM) from different animal species including humans and rabbits. Shortly after the acquisition of ImmGenics by Abgenix, Paul was one of the lead scientists mandated to apply ImmGenics antibody generation expertise to the XenoMouse™ technology. The result was a revolutionized and industrialized process that involved improvements to the SLAM technology specifically designed to synergize with the XenoMouse™ technology. The improved antibody generation technology was subsequently applied successfully to Abgenix and its collaborators’ programs which had previously failed using traditional hybridoma technology. Amgen, after its acquisition of Abgenix, continues to use these methodologies as its sole XenoMouse™ antibody discovery engine. At Amgen, Paul oversaw Amgen British Columbia’s Preclinical In Vitro Cellular Assay and In Vivo Pharmacology research teams, whose primary responsibilities were the screening and characterization of XenoMouse™ derived antibodies. Paul was on the steering committee of a number of Abgenix and Amgen collaborations and is an inventor on over fifteen pending or granted patents. Paul has been involved in the development and application of antibody generation technologies for over fourteen years at ImmGenics Pharmaceuticals, Abgenix and Amgen. Paul was one of the original five scientists that left the Biomedical Research Centre at the University of British Columbia to start up ImmGenics in 1998. While at ImmGenics, Paul was part of a team that advanced a novel antibody generation platform called SLAM (Selected Lymphocyte Antibody Method) to identify and isolate very high affinity antibodies (<10pM) from different animal species including humans and rabbits. Shortly after the acquisition of ImmGenics by Abgenix, Paul was one of the lead scientists mandated to apply ImmGenics antibody generation expertise to the XenoMouse™ technology. The result was a revolutionized and industrialized process that involved improvements to the SLAM technology specifically designed to synergize with the XenoMouse™ technology. The improved antibody generation technology was subsequently applied successfully to Abgenix and its collaborators’ programs which had previously failed using traditional hybridoma technology. Amgen, after its acquisition of Abgenix, continues to use these methodologies as its sole XenoMouse™ antibody discovery engine. At Amgen, Paul oversaw Amgen British Columbia’s Preclinical In Vitro Cellular Assay and In Vivo Pharmacology research teams, whose primary responsibilities were the screening and characterization of XenoMouse™ derived antibodies. Paul was on the steering committee of a number of Abgenix and Amgen collaborations and is an inventor on over fifteen pending or granted patents.

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Pharmaceutical Sciences

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