
Gastroenterology Experts

Maxwell M. Chait

Laval University


Olivier Barbier has completed his Ph.D. in Physiology-Endocrinology at Laval University, in 2000. After a postdoctoral fellow at the Lille Pasteur Institute (France), he was recruited by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Laval University as an independent researcher in 2004. He is the director of the Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology at the Centre de recherche du CHU-Québec (Canada). His research program investigates whether pharmacological modulation of endobiotics glucuronidation would be of therapeutic value for the treatment of metabolic and endocrine diseases. Dr. Barbier has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals, and is currently the editor-in-chief of the “Open Gastroenterology Journal” Olivier Barbier has completed his Ph.D. in Physiology-Endocrinology at Laval University, in 2000. After a postdoctoral fellow at the Lille Pasteur Institute (France), he was recruited by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Laval University as an independent researcher in 2004. He is the director of the Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology at the Centre de recherche du CHU-Québec (Canada). His research program investigates whether pharmacological modulation of endobiotics glucuronidation would be of therapeutic value for the treatment of metabolic and endocrine diseases. Dr. Barbier has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals, and is currently the editor-in-chief of the “Open Gastroenterology Journal”

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