
Medicine Experts

Yves Bergevin

Family Medicine
McGill University


Dr. Bergevin completed twelve years of service at the United Nations in 2013, where he was Coordinator of the Maternal Health Thematic Fund (MHTF) and Senior Maternal Health Advisor, providing overall leadership in maternal health for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Yves Bergevin has held several senior level positions in global health, including Chief Health at UNICEF, where he fostered a renewed focus on child survival and a major increase in funding for health. Prior to this, he was Principal Advisor, Health, Population and Nutrition for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), wrote CIDA’s first ever Strategy for Health and contributed to making health a development priority for Canada. He advocated successfully for a renewed focus on immunization and was, together with his Minister, one of the founding Board Members of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), convinced of the benefits of performance-based funding towards sustained impact.  He also fostered a strong health, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and development focus of G8 Summits, submitted with a colleague to the Government of Canada the concept of a global fund and secured the initial Canadian funding towards the creation of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).  He then convened G7 members around the issue leading to the initial G7 pledging of funds for the GFATM. He has also served as a Member of the Board on Global Health, National Academies of Sciences (USA), and a Member of the STOP TB Coordinating Board and of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board.   

Research Interest

His research interests are in identifying cost-effective interventions and approaches to their scale-up and in strengthening primary health care / family medicine, contributing to enhancing the performance of health systems towards the Triple Aim of Better Health, Better Care and Better Value.

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