
Medical Sciences Experts

Jane M. Lawrence-dewar

Medical Sciences
Northern Ontario school of Medicine


Scientist, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute Assistant Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Division Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University, School of Kinesiology Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University, Department of Health Sciences Adjunct Professor, University of Manitoba, Department of Psychology Scientist, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute Assistant Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Division Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University, School of Kinesiology Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University, Department of Health Sciences Adjunct Professor, University of Manitoba, Department of Psychology

Research Interest

My research relates to the integration of sensory and motor information during the acquisition of a motor skill. My primary interest in this area is to gain a further understanding of the recovery of hand function following neural injury such as following a stroke. More specifically, projects include: Influences on visuomotor adaptation The neural correlates of observational learning             Dr. Lawrence-Dewar may have positions available for undergraduate or graduate students, depending on funding. 

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