Dr. Vincent Biron
University of Alberta
Dr. Vincent Biron is currently appointed as Assistant Professor in the Division of Otolaryngology in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Vincent Biron is currently appointed as Assistant Professor in the Division of Otolaryngology in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
Research Interest
adipocyte, adipocytes, BclXl, biobanking, biomarkers, BMI1, cervical skin, chemoradiation, chemotherapy, clinical trial, cytokeratin, ddPCR, diagnosis, diagnostic, DNA methylation, donor site, droplet digital polymerase chain reaction, EGFR, epigenetics, EZH2, fat, fine needle aspirate, free flap, gene expression, Gene regulation, head and neck cancer, histone methylation, HPV, HPV, ddPCR, oropharyngeal cancer, gene expression, human papillomavirus, imaging analysis, KDM5, KDM6, ki67, learning, molecular analysis, myristoylation, NMT1, NMT2, non pressure dressing, oral cavity cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, p16, p53, PET-CT, PICO, post-operative chemotherapy, predictive value, pressure dressing, Promoter methylation, radial forearm, radiation, randomized clinical trial, reconstruction, salivary swab screening, skin graft, squamous cell carcinoma, stem cell, stem cells, surgery, survival, SUVmax, teaching, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, thyroid surgery, tissue microarray, tobacco smokers, tumor banking, ultrasound, video, wound therapy