
Engineering Experts

Greg Kish

Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Alberta


Greg Kish is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta. He received the B.E.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Western Ontario in 2009, where he was awarded the Governor General’s Silver Academic Medal, and received both his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto in 2011 and 2016, respectively. From 2002 to 2005, Greg worked in industry where he was involved in many projects related to electrical energy systems, ranging from PLCs, electric drives and rotating machines to high-voltage (e.g. 230 kV) electrical substations.

Research Interest

Research Interests My research spans several areas related to power systems and power electronics. The main thrust of my work is to address the many challenges arising due to the evolving landscape of electric power systems. I am particularly interested in the development and application of new modular power electronic converter topologies to enhance grid functionality, at both transmission and distribution levels, as well as to facilitate the large scale integration of renewable energy resources. The development of high-voltage dc (HVdc) based grids and mixed ac-dc power networks are key research streams of mine. My interests also include microgrids, grid connected energy storage and other systems concepts and technologies falling under the broad “smart grid” label. Current Research Medium- to high-power modular multilevel converters for dc and ac grids Grid integration of renewable energy systems Dc power networks, including meshed HVdc grids Mixed (i.e. hybrid) ac-dc systems Modeling, analysis and control of modular multilevel converters Modular converter structures with integrated fault blocking capability.


  • G.J. Kish and P.W. Lehn, “Linearized DC-MMC Models for Control Design Accounting for Multi-Frequency Power Transfer Mechanisms,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Accepted for Publication, May 2017

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