Hassan Dehghanpour
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alberta
Biography include: PhD, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. 2011. MS, Petroleum Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 2008. BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 2006. BSc, Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 2006. I study fluid flow in porous media by using experimental and mathematical techniques for applications in hydraulic fracturing and enhanced oil recovery.
Research Interest
Current research areas include: Understanding Rock-Fluid Interactions Measurement of rock wettability and its correlation with petrophysical properties Effect of fracturing fluid formulation on oil recovery from unconventional reservoirs Visualization of rock-CO2-oil interactions at reservoir conditions Laboratory simulation CO2 huff 'n' puff process for improving oil recovery from tight oil reservoirs Core flooding experiments to evaluate the performance of different EOR techniques in unconventional reservoirs Upscaling of oil recovery data from laboratory scale to field scale Complementary Flowback and Post-flowback Production Data Analysis for Uncertainty Reduction in Fracture Characterization Analysis of extensive flowback data from multi-fractured horizontal wells Development of models and procedures for analyzing water/oil/gas flow rates and pressure measured during flowback operations Analysis of flowback rate and pressure data to forecast post-flowback production Investigation of the effects of natural/secondary fractures on flowback and post-flowback production Fracture Characterization by Analyzing Produced Flowback Salts Chemical analysis of the water produced during flowback operations Development of a comprehensive workflow to characterize the fracture network from the salt concentration profiles Investigating the reasons behind poor water recovery after fracturing operations and the possibility of recycling/reuse of flowback water Development of Rate-Transient Models for Production Data Analysis Modelling fluid flow through matrix, secondary fractures, and primary hydraulic fractures Extension of the conventional dual porosity models to triple porosity models to account for secondary fractures communicating with the induced hydraulic fractures Uncertainty reduction in parameter estimates by developing specialized plots for flow regime analysis Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media Visualization of multi-phase flow using a coreflood system equipped with a CT scanning machine Measurement and modelling of three-phase oil relative permeability Development of analytical and empirical models for determining the hydraulic conductance of pore scale films and layers
Ghanbari E., Dehghanpour H. The fate of fracturing water: A field and simulation study. Fuel, 2016, 163: 282-294.
Yassin, M. R., Dehghanpour, H., Habibi, A., Wood, J., Lan, Q. A Theory for Relative Permeability of Unconventional Rocks with Dual-Wettability Pore Network. SPE Journal. (In Press).
Habibi, A., Binazadeh, M., Dehghanpour, H., Bryan, D., Uswak, G. Advances in Understanding Wettability of Tight Oil Formations. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Formation Evaluation. (In Press).