Majid Khabbazian
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Alberta
Biography Majid Khabbazian received his BSc degree in computer engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and his MASc and PhD degrees both in electrical and computer engineering form University of Victoria and University of British Columbia, respectively. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, where he worked in the theory of distributed systems group. His research interest is in designing fast, efficient and secure methods for wireless networks and distributed systems.
Research Interest
Research Interests Theory of Distributed Systems Wireless Ad Hoc, Vehicular and Sensor Networks Network Security and Privacy Medium Access Control Current Research Network coding Efficient Broadcasting Algorithms Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks Power Control and Interference Management Proximate Internet.
M. Shahabinejad, M. Khabbazian, and A. M. Ardakani An Efficient Binary Locally Repairable Code for Hadoop Distributed File System, IEEE Communications Letters, 2014.