Sandra (sandy) Hodgetts
Occupational Therapy
University of Alberta
Credentials Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Pediatrics) - University of Alberta, 2010-2013 PhD (Rehabilitation Science) - University of Alberta, 2009 MClSc (Occupational Therapy) – University of Western Ontario, 2000 B.Sc (Kinesiology) – McMaster University, 1998
Research Interest
Current Research Disclosing their child’s diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder to others: Family processes and perceived outcomes (Funding Source: WCHRI/Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation) Participation in Community Programs for Children with ASD: Facilitators, Barriers, and the Influence of Stigma (Funding Sources: SSHRC, Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation) Building employer capacity to advance employment opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities (Funding Source: Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services)
Profile and predictors of service needs for families of children with autism.
Preparing for the future: autonomous goal setting for adolescents with ASD.