Thom Workman
Political Science
University of New Brunswick
Thom Workman’s research explores the philosophical and sociological critiques of modernity, especially as these have developed over the post-Enlightenment era. Recent research has focused on the ideological appropriation of the ancient Greek historian Thucydides in the age of American imperialism, the philosophical residues of critical thought in the postmodern era, and the absence of a critical political economy tradition in the field of Canadian studies. Professor Workman teaches courses on war and the social relations of race, class and gender (POLS 3635 and POLS 3637), imperialism (POLS 3714), critical political economy (POLS 2013), late modern political thought (POLS 3433 and POLS 3475), and the philosophy of Richard Rorty (PHIL 3602). Professor Workman is a former Chair of the Department of Political Science at UNBF, served as the Program Co-Chair for the Society for Socialist Studies in 2014, and was president of the Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association in 2007-8.
Research Interest
Political Science