Chris Kortright
Sessional Lecturer and Adjunct Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Regina
Chris Kortright’s research is located at the intersection of biology, politics and economics. He researches the biological sciences and the interplay between human intervention, ecology and the boundaries between species thus redefine concepts of “the political” and “the economic.” He is working on a book that investigates the evolutionary stories and scientific practices at the heart of a transgenic rice project embedded in the development apparatus. He examines the C4 Rice Project as they attempted to change the photosynthetic pathways of the rice plant. His research has been funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Institute of Governmental Affairs and he held a graduate fellowship at the University of California’s Center for Science and Innovation Studies (CSIS.) He has an article forthcoming in East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal and a chapter in the book International Rice Research and Development.
Research Interest
Chris Kortright research interests: Research interests: anthropology of science; global capitalism, crop biotechnology; international development; posthumanist anthropology; resource and food security; and the politics of innovation